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The Official Pocket Edible Plant Survival Manual: A Life Saving Manual Needed by Every American To Combat National Emergencies Caused by Terrorists or Otherwise

Authored by Robert W. Pelton



It doesn't take a genius to understand the one most important aspect of surviving. It's having access to drinkable water! Without water a person can't live more than three days. 
The second most important thing is food! Men have been known to live more than a month without food. But there's absolutely no need for any person to be deprived of something to eat. Nature is and always has been a good and reliable provider. Everyone should know how to properly use her. Learn to live off the land. It really isn't that difficult. This one-of-a-kind edible plant survival handbook tells you all you need to know. 
Edible fruit is plentiful in nature and it supplies great food in a survival situation.  
You're no doubt already aware of many of the wild fruits and berries in the United States. However, to refresh your memory, all the following are readily available, easy to find and are meticulously covered in this chapter. 
Blackberry Grapes 
Blueberry Mulberry 
Crabapple Persimmon 
Elderberry Rhubarb 
Serviceberry Strawberry 
Various authorities estimate there are approximately 300,000 plants (those that have been classified) on the surface of the earth. Of these, 120,000 varieties have been determined to be edible.  
A person should know what edible plants to look for when in the wilderness. He or she should also be able to properly identify these plants and to properly prepare them for eating. 
Such an individual will undoubtedly find enough plant food out there to keep alive over an extended period of time. And he or she may even surprise themselves with a delicious meal. 
Ferns are abundant in moist areas of all climates. They are especially easy to find. Look in gullies, on stream banks, in forested areas, along the sides of hiking trails and on the edge of woods. 
Ferns, by and large, are a safe plant to cook and eat. Some are distastefully bitter and certainly not palatable. Yet, no fern is known to be poisonous. 
The inner bark of some trees — the layer next to the wood -- can be eaten raw or cooked. Avoid the outer bark. It contains large amounts of tannin and is extremely bitter. 
Flour can be made by pulverizing the inner bark of a number of trees – aspen, birch, cottonwood, pine, slippery elm and willow. 
One outstanding example of a tree food source is the pine. 
The inner bark is high in vitamin C. The nuts, needles, twigs and sap are all edible. The nuts (eaten raw or roasted) grow in woody cones hanging near the tips of the branches. When mature, they fall out of the ripe cone.  
Here's what the experts say about the four book Official Pocket Survival Manual series  
“I can’t say enough good things about these books. They are the finest I have ever read. I heartily recommended them to all my students.” 
Barbara Cram – Survival Instructor 
“If Heartland USA had a ‘Seal of Approval,’ these books would surely carry one.” 
Tom Dodge – Heartland USA 
“Must have books. No thinking American should be without a copy.” 
Bruce Hopkins  
Best Prices Storable Foods 


4" x 6" (10.16 x 15.24 cm) 
Black & White on White paper
294 pages

ISBN-13: 978-1463556488 (CreateSpace-Assigned) 
ISBN-10: 1463556489 
BISAC: Reference / Personal & Practical Guides

The Official Pocket Edible Plant Survival Manual



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