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Robert W. Pelton's Official Emergency Survival Guide: A Handbook Needed by Every American to Combat Today''s Terrorist Threat

Authored by Robert W. Pelton


No one is properly prepared unless they own a useable survival manual. That's why everyone needs Robert W. Pelton's Official Urban & Wilderness Emergency Survival Guide. Every American should keep one in their home as well as a copy in each of their motor vehicles. . Here's what Tom Dodge, outdoors writer for Heartland USA magazine has to say about Robert W. Pelton's Official Urban & Wilderness Emergency Survival Guide: "This is certainly the perfect survival manual. It's an indispensable survival tool." 
The first and foremost rule of wilderness survival? Never panic when in the wilds! Always remember that it is normal to experience feelings of fear in certain situations. It's a powerful defense mechanism against the unknown. Fear raises the level of a person's senses. It attunes the mind and body to potential dangers or hazards. Fear under control is wonderful. Out of control fear leads to panic. And panic must be avoided! 
The second most important point to remember in any survival situation: Don't give up! Remember - nature always provides the necessities required for survival - shelter, food, water and fuel (wood, etc.). The essential knowledge as well as the equipment needed to survive in any outdoor emergency is easily found in Robert W. Pelton's Official Suiburban & Wilderness Emergency Survival Guide.  
Yes, all of the above things and more are meticulously covered. Bruce Hopkins of Best Prices Storable Foods offers this: "Pelton's book is truly a great work. It's sure to become a survival standard. Everyone should own at least two copies." It's ideal for fathers and mothers, members of the military, backpackers, scouts, hikers, campers, hunters, fishermen and all others. It's a most practical, fully illustrated quick reference manual. Yes, Robert W. Pelton's Official Suiburban & Wilderness Emergency Survival Guide is designed to help keep you alive when you are confronted with any dire emergency situation.


8" x 10" (20.32 x 25.4 cm) 
Black & White on White paper
438 pages

ISBN-13: 978-1453832103 (CreateSpace-Assigned) 
ISBN-10: 1453832106 
BISAC: Self-Help / General

Robert W. Pelton's Official Emergency Survival Guide



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